California Ballot Propositions Demystified – a Suds, Snacks & Socialism online forum
Peace & Freedom Party’s co-sponsored Suds, Snacks & Socialism monthly forum series continues online via Zoom on Saturday, October 8, with talks on the topic California Propositions Demystified.
The November 8, 2022 ballot contains seven propositions. Some offer easy decisions for the left. Others raise questions about health care and environmental policy, and require us to scrutinize who really benefits and where the money is coming from. Join us with your questions and ideas.
Speaking on the ballot propositions will be PFP State Central Committee members Marsha Feinland on Props 1, 28, 29 and 31; David Landry on Props 26 and 27; and David Campbell on Prop 30.
The program will start promptly at 2:30pm PT and is expected to wrap up by 4:30pm. To join the forum, click here or write
This forum is co-sponsored by the Oakland Greens, the Alameda County Peace and Freedom Party and Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change. The forum is part of our ongoing Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Our purpose is informed political discussion, and the views expressed are those of the speakers only, not official positions of the Peace & Freedom Party or our fellow co-sponsors.