Open letter; Fight elimination of jobs, services by Santa Monica government
If you reside in Santa Monica and love the city as much as I do, I urge you to contact your Council members, the Mayor, and the new City Manager immediately. There is very little transparency happening with The City of Santa Monica. They have eliminated ALL part-time (as needed) employees from City run facilities. The City is also eliminating 40% of full time employees. What this means is the services you enjoy and pay for with your tax dollars will no longer exist. This includes the Santa Monica Public Pool, Santa Monica Public Library, Housing and Economic Development, Community and Cultural Service Department, among many other vital City services available to the elderly, at risk youth, disabled people, etc.
Full time City employees are being forced out. Full-time city employees are being offered a "buyout" that is not adequate. If a City employee takes the latest proposed deal, they will NOT be rehired for 3 years. Their spouses and family will lose their healthcare benefits. This "buyout" deal is being rushed through. City employees are being forced to make an irreversible decision that will affect their families and future by MAY 1, 2020. The City Council will not vote on this proposed deal until MAY 5, 2020. So, City employees are being forced to make a life changing decision on proposed information that is NOT certain and has yet to be voted on by City Council.
You as Santa Monica residents and tax payers have the right and responsibility to have your voices heard. Let the City of Santa Monica leaders understand that you do NOT want these vital services cut and City employees who provide these services reduced.
Read more: Open letter; Fight elimination of jobs, services by Santa Monica government