LA wildifresThe tragic wildfires that have taken place since Tuesday, January 7, 2025, have destroyed thousands of homes and structures across Los Angeles, leaving tens of thousands homeless. The death toll continues to rise as bodies are discovered under the ashes of homes. While the corporate mainstream media spotlights the rich who have been impacted, Peace & Freedom Party members have been on the ground, day after day, providing aid and relief to the thousands of working-class families who have lost everything.

This crisis is a consequence of capitalist plunder of the earth’s resources, refusal of the billionaires to allow measures to prevent the climate catastrophe, and a failure of the City and County of Los Angeles to respond effectively. Let’s be clear: The climate crisis is one that is accelerated by the Democratic and Republican parties alike. Both parties work for the interests of the billionaire class, leaving working-class people to pick up the pieces.

Peace & Freedom Party members have joined other community organizations to help clear the streets of the horrific destruction, organize relief distribution, and provide a helping hand wherever necessary; local city and county officials criminalize the public by focusing their efforts on arresting “looters.” The US National Guard was deployed not to help victims find housing, clothes, food, shelter, but to patrol the streets for “criminal activity.” They are NOT going after the big-time looters, but the landlords who have jacked up rents 10% to 100% and more since the fires hit.

Meanwhile, days away from the anti-immigrant Trump’s inauguration, immigrant community leaders and activists from the Pasadena Job Center were some of the first to jump into action to begin the process of rebuilding the communities of Altadena and Pasadena.

The Peace and Freedom Party is the only socialist party that has ballot access in California. We need a party of the working class to act in the interests of the people. In the continually occurring national disaster crises, both capitalist parties – Republican and Democratic – have left us to fend for ourselves. For example, President Biden announced a measly $770 per victim of the wildfires.

We say enough is enough. What we’ve seen in the last week is that the working class is more than capable of organizing to meet the needs of the people, it is the working class that will rebuild what has been burned to the ground. The Peace and Freedom Party was born out of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism, racial equality and internationalism. We stand for the defense and protection of the environment, to ensure permanent and guaranteed housing for all, and universal healthcare for all.

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Election 2024

Get your voice heard in Election 2024 – vote Peace & Freedom and the Left Unity Slate!

The California statewide primary election of March 5, 2024, includes first-round elections for political offices at all levels of government in the leadup to November's general election. Keep up with all the news regarding  Peace & Freedom Party and Left Unity Slate candidates as well as PFP's stands on ballot props and other items on the ballot.

the PFP Workers’ Voters Guide (PDF)

PFP says Vote NO on Prop 1!

Vote Kevin Martinez for CA State Assembly (6th district)

PFP Election 2024 campaign news

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In California, voter registration is very important to political parties. The very existence of a political party as “ballot-qualified” is determined by the number of votes its statewide candidates receive or by the number of voters registered with the party. As the only feminist socialist political party on the California ballot, it is imperative that the Peace and Freedom Party continues as a qualified party.

Quite simply, the Peace and Freedom Party will not be able to provide Californians with candidates that will represent us unless we register and vote Peace and Freedom.

For all the information you need on registering to vote, visit the California Secretary of State's homepage at or just click here.

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