The War on Immigrants and How We Fight Back: a Suds, Snacks & Socialism forum
The next edition of Peace & Freedom Party’s co-sponsored Suds, Snacks & Socialism monthly forum series at the Starry Plough Pub in Berkeley (3101 Shattuck Avenue; click here for map) will be held on Saturday, February 1. All are welcome to discuss the topic The War on Immigrants and How We Fight Back.
(Can’t participate in person? Join the forum online! Click here to register and join in.)
Most immigrants come to this country to escape violence and persecution and to work to support their families. While Trump is virulent in his threats against them, politicians of both capitalist parties spew the rhetoric and advocate various policies including detention and deportation to ban immigrants, even while they and their allies benefit from their labor.
Join our speakers who will present a picture of what may be coming from the Trump administration and how we can resist:
- David Bacon – photojournalist, author of Illegal People: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants;
- Marisa Almor – community organizer, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant; and
- Jesus Moctezuma – educator, organizer with the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
Serving as moderator is Marsha Feinland of PFP.
The program will start promptly at 4pm PT and is expected to wrap up by 6:30pm. To join the forum, click here or write
Please help us celebrate our return to the Starry Plough by ordering food and/or drinks. Please try to arrive early to place your order so that you do not miss any of the presentations. An open discussion will follow the presentations. We will be accepting donations which will be divided among the sponsoring organizations.
This forum is co-sponsored by the Oakland Greens, the Alameda County Peace & Freedom Party and Bay Area System Change Not Climate Change. The forum is part of our ongoing Socialist Forum Series on the first Saturday of every month. Our purpose is informed political discussion, and the views expressed are those of the speakers only, not official positions of the Peace & Freedom Party or our fellow co-sponsors.